A poem would go here bloodied and cut like Van Gogh’s ear muddied and rut found ground bound So much soul tearing ache like pork on a plate A man’s word when words aren’t enough when renown mastery cannot muster when the god in us rails at the weak meat of us at the very feet of us the breathe of us and bellows a brick of some unknowable sentiment that rhymes with LISTEN and sounds like SPEAK and which drives us mad with meaning divine seeming and finds us crazed with our ear in our hand or in some strange land or fucking a whole band til our bladder is blue I don’t know who you are but a poem would go here like the beer of a broken father if I could bother to bring this beast to bare to cut out my own hair and say the thing I have in my chest for which the words I would need are somehow more than cosmic and somehow less than the simplest of all: I
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